What is the server for roadrunner email


Roadrunner email, originally provided by Time Warner Cable and now managed by Spectrum, continues to be used by many long-time subscribers. To set up your What is the server for Roadrunner email on various email clients or mobile devices, you need to know the correct server settings. This article provides detailed information on the incoming and outgoing server settings for Roadrunner email, ensuring you can configure your account seamlessly.

Understanding Email Server Settings

Email server settings are essential for configuring your email account on third-party email clients like Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, or mobile apps. These settings include the incoming server  and the outgoing server

Roadrunner Email Server Settings

Here are the specific server settings you need to set up your Roadrunner email:

Incoming Mail Server (POP3)

      1. Server Address:  (Note: Replace "dc" with your specific Roadrunner domain if different. For example, "pop-server.rochester.rr.com" or "pop-server.socal.rr.com")

      1. Port: 110 (without SSL) or 995 (with SSL)

      1. SSL: Enabled (recommended for security)

      1. Username: Your full Roadrunner email address

      1. Password: Your Roadrunner email password

Incoming Mail Server (IMAP)

If you prefer using IMAP instead of POP3, which allows you to sync your emails across multiple devices, here are the settings:

      1. Server Address:

      1. Port: 143 (without SSL) or 993 (with SSL)

      1. SSL: Enabled (recommended for security)

      1. Username: Your full Roadrunner email address

      1. Password: Your Roadrunner email password

Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)

      1. Server Address: (Note: Replace "dc" with your specific Roadrunner domain if different. For example, "smtp-server.rochester.rr.com" or "

      1. Port: 587 (with TLS) or 25 (without SSL)

      1. SSL/TLS: Enabled (recommended for security)

      1. Username: Your full Roadrunner email address

      1. Password: Your Roadrunner email password

Steps to Configure Roadrunner Email on an Email Client

Here is a general guide to setting up Roadrunner email on an email client like Microsoft Outlook:

      1. Open Your Email Client: Launch Microsoft Outlook or your preferred email client.

      1. Add a New Account: Navigate to the settings or account setup section and choose to add a new email account.

      1. Enter Your Email Address: Input your full Roadrunner email address

      1. Choose Account Type: Select the account type  based on your preference.

      1. Enter Incoming Server Settings:

            • For POP3:  with Port 110 or 995.

            • For IMAP:  with Port 143 or 993.

      1. Enter Outgoing Server Settings:  with Port 587 or 25.

      1. Authentication: Ensure that both incoming and outgoing servers require authentication using your full email address and password.

      1. Enable SSL/TLS: For added security, make sure SSL or TLS is enabled for both incoming and outgoing servers.

      1. Test Settings: Use the test function provided by your email client to check if the settings are correct and ensure successful connection.

      1. Save and Complete: Once the test is successful, save the settings and complete the setup process.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

If you encounter issues while configuring your Roadrunner email, consider the following troubleshooting tips:

      1. Verify Server Addresses: Ensure you are using the correct server addresses for your specific Roadrunner domain.

      1. Check Port Numbers: Confirm that you are using the correct port numbers for POP3/IMAP and SMTP.

      1. Enable SSL/TLS: Make sure SSL or TLS is enabled to ensure secure connections.

      1. Correct Username and Password: Double-check that you have entered your full Roadrunner email address and password correctly.

      1. Contact Support: If you continue to experience issues, contact Spectrum customer support for assistance.


Setting up your Roadrunner email on an email client or mobile device requires the correct server settings. By following the guidelines provided in this article, you can ensure a seamless configuration process and enjoy uninterrupted access to your Roadrunner email. Remember to enable SSL/TLS for added security and double-check all settings to avoid any connectivity issues.

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